What is a Dental Filling?

A dental filling is a type of restoration designed to fill in decayed areas of one or more teeth. Dental decay, also known as a cavity, can weaken a tooth by gradually eating into it until it reaches the inner pulp. To prevent further damage, the decay is removed and replaced with a tooth-colored composite resin filling.
Dental Filling
dental fillings charlotte nc

Why Might a Dental Filling Be Needed?

If a cavity is left untreated, it can progress to the point where a full root canal is necessary, which can weaken the tooth over time. To protect the tooth and eliminate the underlying decay, we suggest getting a filling. Fillings are easy restorations that can be color-matched to your natural smile.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Fillings?

You may not realize you have a cavity until you visit us for an examination. Our special instrument helps us detect dark areas or weak spots in your teeth. X-rays are also useful in identifying these problem areas. If you have a cavity, it is advisable to have it filled as soon as possible.

What Happens During the Dental Filling Process?

To begin the filling procedure, we first numb the affected area of the mouth. The decay is then completely removed from the tooth. Next, we prepare the tooth for the new composite filling by applying an etching gel, washing it away, and packing the hole with resin. The resin is then cured and hardened using a special dental light. It is possible to place multiple fillings in the same area, so we recommend seeking treatment as soon as a cavity is detected.

If you have any questions about dental fillings and would like more information about the procedure, please contact our office today. Our friendly team members will be happy to assist you.

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