What Are Tooth Extractions?

Extractions are performed to maintain your oral health and eliminate troublesome teeth. Advanced gum disease may necessitate the removal of teeth, while impacted wisdom teeth may also require extraction. Rest assured, we conduct extractions in our office with the utmost care, ensuring your safety, comfort, and convenience.
Tooth Extractions
tooth extractions charlotte nc

Why Are Tooth Extractions Needed?

Extractions are often necessary when there are no other options to save a tooth. Some teeth can negatively impact your oral health, so it is advisable to remove them before they cause problems such as shifting, infection, or damage within the mouth. There are several reasons why you may require or desire an extraction, including:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Loose or severely decayed teeth
  • Teeth that are cracked or broken below the gum line
  • Stubborn baby teeth
  • You're looking to avoid having additional treatment done

Who is a Candidate for Tooth Extractions?

An examination will assist us in assessing whether an extraction may be necessary. It is generally recommended for most patients who require an extraction to undergo the procedure. Failing to address a problematic tooth can lead to future complications such as infections and abscesses. X-rays will be taken to aid in determining the necessity of an extraction.

What Happens During a Tooth Extraction?

During your consultation, we can discuss the different sedation options available. Once you are comfortable, we will proceed to loosen and remove the tooth. If necessary, we may also place sutures to close the gums. To stop any bleeding, we will have you bite down on gauze. If you have been sedated, we will take you to a recovery room until you are fully awake. We will provide you with essential aftercare instructions that must be followed. If you believe you may require a tooth extraction, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
During your consultation, we will discuss the entire process with you. Once you are comfortable, we will proceed to loosen and remove the tooth. If necessary, we may also place sutures to close the gums. To stop any bleeding, we will have you bite down on gauze. We will provide you with essential aftercare instructions that must be followed. If you believe you may require a tooth extraction, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Wisdom teeth will typically begin to develop around the time a person reaches adulthood. Unfortunately, if there isn't enough room for the teeth to come in properly, they become impacted underneath the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth will often become painful, infected and cause damage to surrounding teeth. It is best to have these molars removed as soon as it's found that they're a problem.

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