Straighten Your Teeth With Our Braces In Charlotte, NC

Dentistry Of Uptown Charlotte understands the importance of a straighter smile to maintain optimal oral health. Patients with moderate to severe crowding, misalignment, and malocclusion issues can greatly benefit from orthodontics involving traditional wire and bracket. Our braces can help realign and reposition teeth, giving the appearance of a straighter, healthier smile. The brackets work alongside a thin metal wire that is adjusted during each orthodontic appointment. This traditional orthodontic option is suitable for children, teenagers, and even adults who are undergoing treatment. To contact our dentist for custom-made braces in Charlotte, NC, call (704) 322-4935.
Traditional Braces
braces charlotte nc

Why are Braces Needed?

By applying gentle, consistent pressure, braces gradually move teeth into their proper positions, improving both appearance and function. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Additionally, correcting bite alignment problems can alleviate discomfort while chewing and speaking, promoting overall oral well-being. Ultimately, braces not only enhance the aesthetics of your smile but also contribute to long-term dental health and confidence.

Who is a Candidate for Braces?

Having teeth that are not perfectly straight is a common occurrence. In cases of severe crowding and misalignment, maintaining proper oral hygiene can be challenging. To assess if braces could be beneficial for you, our dentist conducts an examination. Braces are attached to the teeth and remain in place until professionally removed, making them suitable for patients of any age.

What Happens During Treatment With Braces?

Orthodontic treatment starts with a comprehensive consultation that includes x-rays, impressions, and an examination. Our goal is to understand you or your child and the specific smile that needs to be corrected. We then attach metal brackets to the teeth and place a thin metal wire across these brackets. The wire is secured with small rubber bands that come in various fun colors. You will need to visit us every few weeks to have the wire adjusted and continue with the treatment. The duration of treatment with braces can vary from a few months to several years, depending on the individual patient. We strive to make your treatment as comfortable and efficient as possible while achieving beautiful and lasting straightening results.

If you would like to learn more about braces in Charlotte, NC, call us today. Schedule your visit to Dentistry Of Uptown Charlotte for a quick and convenient appointment.

FAQs On Traditional Braces

Q1: Can I play sports with traditional braces?

Ans: Yes, but it's essential to wear a mouthguard to protect your braces and teeth. Discuss options with our dentist for optimal safety during sports activities.

Q2: How often should I brush my teeth with braces?

Ans: Brush after every meal and snack to prevent food particles from getting trapped in your braces. Use a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste for thorough cleaning.

Q3: Will braces affect my speech?

Ans: Initially, you may experience slight changes in speech as you adjust to wearing braces. Practice speaking and be patient; your speech should return to normal within a few days.

Q4: Can I still eat my favorite foods with braces?

Ans: Yes, but you may need to modify some foods to avoid damaging your braces. Cut hard or sticky foods into smaller pieces and steer clear of items that could bend wires or dislodge brackets.

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