Repair Imperfect Teeth With Our Dental Veneers In Charlotte, NC

Dentistry Of Uptown Charlotte is your reliable dental practice, offering veneer treatments to conceal cosmetic flaws. Dental veneers, whether made of porcelain or composite resin, are thin shells that are attached to the teeth, seamlessly blending in. They are designed to perfectly match the shade and color of your natural teeth, resulting in a flawless, white smile.

Veneers are commonly used for patients with teeth that are misshapen, stained, uneven, or chipped. While not permanent, they are highly durable and can last for 10-15 years, depending on the amount of wear and tear they experience over time. To determine whether you are eligible to get dental veneers in Charlotte, NC, call (704) 322-4935. 

veneers charlotte nc

Who is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Patients who have experienced discoloration due to multiple dental procedures are often suitable candidates for tooth shells. Furthermore, individuals with stains caused by food or prescription drugs can also benefit from these tooth-colored coatings. These shells can effectively enhance the appearance of a smile and close gaps between teeth. Gum tissue tolerates porcelain veneers well, and their stain-resistant qualities help them maintain a brilliant white tone.

How Are Veneers Applied?

In our office, getting these tooth coatings can be achieved in just a few simple appointments. We start with a preliminary consultation to discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment plan. X-rays are taken to examine your teeth in detail and determine the most suitable type of veneer.

During your next visit, a small amount of enamel is removed to prepare your teeth before applying coatings. Molds of your teeth are taken and sent to a lab, where our dentist customizes these coating materials. Once the shells are ready, our team ensures that they fit properly and match the color of your natural teeth.

To ensure proper adhesion, your teeth are thoroughly cleaned before the veneers are placed. A special cement material is used to attach these thin shells and an ultraviolet light is used to quickly harden and set them. The entire veneer process takes a few weeks and requires multiple appointments.

After the shells are placed, we ask patients to return for a follow-up visit to ensure that they still look and feel great. Veneer procedures are minimally invasive, making them a popular choice for those seeking a bright white smile.

What Type of Veneers Are Available?

Whenever you book your veneer consultation, expect to choose from the following categories:

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain shells, crafted from ceramic, are highly durable and can be precisely matched to the color of your natural teeth. They are the most popular choice for veneer treatments due to their customizable nature, ensuring the best fit for your teeth. Moreover, porcelain coatings prioritize the preservation of the original tooth structure, providing patients with a lasting and beautiful smile.


Lumineers, another category of porcelain veneer, can enhance a patient's smile. These coatings involve minimal tooth preparation and are thinner and easier to apply than traditional ones. Lumineers can be placed without injections or anesthesia, offering patients similar advantages and durable outcomes.

Composite Resin

Composite resin shells offer similar outcomes and advantages as their traditional porcelain counterparts. They effectively address issues such as chipped teeth, tooth length, and gaps. Moreover, composite resin veneers are a cost-effective option, making them suitable for patients on a budget. Additionally, the application process for composite resin is similar to that of porcelain, requiring minimal tooth preparation. However, it is worth noting that their lifespan is shorter compared to traditional porcelain coatings.

CEREC Veneers

Dr. Minka Hotic now creates and designs tooth shells using our in-office milling unit called CEREC veneers (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics). This means there is no waiting time as these ultra-thin shells can be made right in our office. These coatings are not only quick to make but also durable and long-lasting. With CEREC veneers, patients can achieve a beautiful white smile in just one visit.


Zirconia veneers are thin ceramic shells bonded to the front surface of teeth to enhance appearance. Renowned for their durability and natural aesthetics, zirconia veneers offer stain resistance and biocompatibility. Crafted with precision, they provide long-lasting results, effectively concealing imperfections and creating radiant smiles. To learn more about the benefits of veneers, schedule a consultation with Dentistry Of Uptown Charlotte.

FAQs On Dental Veneers

Q1: Do dental veneers require special care?

Ans: Veneers don't need special maintenance. However, regular oral hygiene practices like brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits are essential to ensure their longevity and the health of surrounding teeth.

Q2: How long do dental veneers last?

Ans: With proper care, these dental coatings can last 10-15 years or even longer. However, factors like oral hygiene, diet, and habits such as teeth grinding can affect their lifespan.

Q3: Are dental veneers reversible?

Ans: No, the process involves removing a thin layer of enamel from the teeth. This alteration is irreversible, so it's essential to carefully consider the decision of getting tooth shells.

Q4: Can dental veneers be whitened?

Ans: Veneers are resistant to staining, but they can't be whitened with traditional methods like bleaching. If discoloration occurs, replacing the veneers may be necessary to achieve desired results. You can consult our dentist to explore your treatment options for a whiter smile.

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