We've Helped Many Patients Restore Their Smiles.

Looking for dental implants in Charlotte, NC? At Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte, we want every single one of our patients to love their smiles! If you've been suffering from the pain and embarrassment of tooth loss, Dr. Hotic is a trusted provider of permanent tooth loss replacement options. We use dental implants to create natural-looking, comfortable smiles at our dental office in Charlotte, NC.
Dental Implants
dental implants charlotte nc

Do I Need Dental Implants?

Are dental implants the right solution for your smile?  At our dental office, we understand the importance of a complete, healthy smile. Missing teeth can impact not only your confidence but also your oral health. Our dental implants in Charlotte, NC, offer a permanent and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. Here are some signs you might be a good candidate for dental implants: 

  • Missing one or more teeth: Dental implants can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a full arch of teeth.
  • Difficulty chewing: Missing teeth can make it difficult to enjoy your favorite foods. Implants function just like natural teeth, restoring your ability to chew comfortably.
  • Ill-fitting dentures: Dentures can slip and cause discomfort. Implants provide a secure and stable foundation for your replacement teeth.
  • Jawbone deterioration: Missing teeth can lead to jawbone loss. Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing further deterioration and promoting long-term oral health.
  • Impacted speech: Missing teeth can affect your speech. Implants restore a natural bite and improve speech clarity.
  • Decreased confidence: Missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Implants can boost your confidence and improve your quality of life.

Dental implants are The Best Solution For Tooth Loss Due to Their Benefits.

Here's why dental implants are considered the best solution for tooth loss:

  • Look and Feel Natural: Dental implants are designed to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. They are incredibly strong and durable, allowing you to eat and speak with confidence.
  • Long-lasting: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. This makes them a cost-effective option in the long run compared to other tooth replacement solutions.
  • Improved Oral Health: Dental implants prevent bone loss in the jaw, which is a common problem with missing teeth. They also help to keep surrounding teeth healthy by preventing them from shifting out of place.
  • Increased Confidence: A complete smile can do wonders for your self-esteem. Dental implants can help you feel more confident in social and professional settings.

How do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are small, screw-like posts typically made of titanium. This biocompatible material fuses with your jawbone over time, creating a strong and stable foundation. This mimics the natural root structure of a tooth, providing exceptional support for the restoration that will be placed on top. The implant placement process typically involves two stages:

Surgical Placement: During this initial stage, a qualified dentist creates a small opening in your gum tissue and jawbone. The implant is then carefully inserted into the prepared site. Stitches may be used to close the gum tissue. Healing time will vary depending on your situation.

Restoration Placement: Once the implant has fully integrated with your jawbone, a second appointment is scheduled. During this visit, an abutment (a connector piece) is attached to the implant. Finally, your custom-made crown, bridge, or denture is securely fastened to the abutment, restoring full functionality and aesthetics.

What Type Of Dental Implant Do I Need?

At Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte, we specialize in recommending the most suitable dental implant to provide relief for patients experiencing tooth loss. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hotic to determine the ideal dental implant for enhancing your smile.

Single Dental Implant

If you have lost a tooth due to decay or trauma, a single dental implant can restore your smile and boost your confidence. By replacing your natural tooth with a titanium dental implant and a realistic dental crown, you can regain the ability to smile, speak, and enjoy your favorite foods.

A dental implant serves as a replacement for both the root and surface of your natural tooth, enabling you to maintain normal oral functions just as you would with your original tooth!

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Implant Retained Dentures

Implant retained dentures, also referred to as "overdentures," can greatly improve the quality of life for numerous patients. The absence of a tooth can lead to difficulties in essential daily activities such as chewing and speaking. In Charlotte, NC, our dental patients can experience relief from the discomfort and inconvenience of conventional dentures through the use of removable "snap-in" dentures that are secured with dental implants.

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All-on-4® Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants, also referred to as "Teeth-in-a-Day," provide immediate tooth functionality by stabilizing dental implants with a non-removable prosthesis. These implants are a permanent solution.

If you meet the criteria for All-on-4 dental implants, you can anticipate receiving your new teeth within a single day. While each case is individual, our Charlotte dentists and restorative dentistry team will handle the majority of the necessary work prior to your implant surgery.

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What Type of Dental Implant do I Need?

At Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte, we specialize in recommending the most suitable dental implant to provide relief for patients experiencing tooth loss. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hotic to determine the ideal dental implant for enhancing your smile.

Single Dental Implant

If you have lost a tooth due to decay or trauma, a single dental implant can restore your smile and boost your confidence. By replacing your natural tooth with a titanium dental implant and a realistic dental crown, you can regain the ability to smile, speak, and enjoy your favorite foods.

A dental implant serves as a replacement for both the root and surface of your natural tooth, enabling you to maintain normal oral functions just as you would with your original tooth!

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Implant Retained Dentures

Implant retained dentures, also referred to as "overdentures," can greatly improve the quality of life for numerous patients. The absence of a tooth can lead to difficulties in essential daily activities such as chewing and speaking. In Charlotte, NC, our dental patients can experience relief from the discomfort and inconvenience of conventional dentures through the use of removable "snap-in" dentures that are secured with dental implants.

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All-on-4® Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants, also referred to as "Teeth-in-a-Day," provide immediate tooth functionality by stabilizing dental implants with a non-removable prosthesis. These implants are a permanent solution.

If you meet the criteria for All-on-4 dental implants, you can anticipate receiving your new teeth within a single day. While each case is individual, our Charlotte, NC dentist will handle the majority of the necessary work prior to your implant surgery.

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Implants Treatment

How Do I Prepare For My Dental Implants Treatment?

Dr. Hotic may determine that you need certain preliminary procedures to prepare your mouth for dental implants after a consultation. These procedures may be required before you can receive your dental implants:
  • Bone Graft
  • Gum Graft
  • Socket Preservation

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

When inquiring about the price of dental implants, the answer is always that it varies. Similar to any surgical procedure, there are several factors that can impact the cost of dental implants. To provide you with an accurate estimate, we would need to conduct a consultation with our Charlotte dentists.

Some considerations may include:

  • The quality, amount, and location of bone. Bone grafting may increase the overall costs of your dental implants.
  • The type of dental implant and the number of teeth that need to be replaced.
  • Dental insurance coverage. Some plans only cover certain aspects of implant treatment and may have eligibility waiting periods.

If you’re worried about the expense of dental implants, contact our Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte practice to arrange a complimentary consultation.

During the consultation, we will have the opportunity to discuss your oral health objectives and financial constraints, as well as provide you with comprehensive information on dental implants.

Regardless of whether you have financial limitations, a fixed income, or uncertainty about your dental insurance coverage for dental implants, we offer a range of financing options to accommodate your needs.

Dental Implant Restoration

While problems with dental implants are uncommon, they can occur. If you observe any signs such as loosening of the implant, swelling of the gum, or a cracked crown on top of the implant, it is crucial to contact Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte immediately. Attempting to address the issue at home may exacerbate the problem and potentially lead to further damage to your oral health.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Are you dreaming of a complete, natural-looking smile again? Dental implants can make that dream a reality. At Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte, we offer advanced dental implant solutions to restore missing teeth and enhance your overall oral health. Don't wait any longer to reclaim your smile! Contact Dentistry of Uptown Charlotte today to schedule a consultation and learn more about dental implants in Charlotte, NC. We look forward to helping you achieve a confident, healthy smile!

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